Why Alcohol Is Bad

Alcohol Effects

Alcohol affects the state of the body regardless of how much you consume. Even though taking an occasional glass of wine is recommended, the average effects of alcohol can take a toll on the general health of your body and the state of your relationships. This guide will help you understand why alcohol is bad.

Effects of alcohol on the body

  1. Alcohol AddictionBehavior changes – Since alcohol affects the neurotransmitters, it directly impacts your behavior. It clouds your judgment and destroys the mental clarity that helps you in making sound decisions.
  2. Shrinks the brain – Consuming alcohol for a prolonged period affects the brain’s frontal lobes by shrinking them.
  3. Hallucinations – People who struggle with alcohol dependence need to have alcohol in their system to function. If they do not get immediate access to it, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms, if not handled, may lead to other serious issues such as hallucinations.
  4. Blackouts – Alcohol directly affects the part of the brain that is responsible for making memories. Most individuals with alcohol use problems will confirm that after a long day of drinking, they cannot remember what happened as they indulged. They have no recollection of the day or night events because alcohol has destroyed that function of their brain.
  5. Slurred speech – This is the most common and considered one of the first signs that a person has excessively consumed alcohol. Incoherent speech affects the part of the brain that sends signals to the muscles responsible for communication.
  6. Dependence – The level of dependence varies and depends on the consumption rate and time. Being dependent on alcohol directly affects your performance at work, school, relationships, and behavior. It leads to secondary effects such as deteriorated relationships, unemployment, poor financial decisions, depression, suicide, and theft.
  7. Cancer – An individual with alcohol problems is more likely to develop esophagus, mouth, or throat cancers. Furthermore, alcohol affects sleep, which affects the secretion of the growth and development hormone responsible for the development of mammary glands. This puts women at high risk of developing breast cancer due to alcohol consumption.
  8. Alcoholism EffectsHeart issues – Chronic drinking is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases and disorders. For example, alcohol can cause sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by irregular breathing.
  9. Lung infection – Persons in addiction recovery are not capable of fighting off viruses and bacteria. Their immunity is affected by the excessive alcohol present in their blood, making it difficult for the platelets to function effectively. This puts them at a higher risk of contracting illnesses such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, among others.
  10. Liver damage – Persons in addiction recovery are at immediate risk of developing liver cirrhosis, which is when the liver shuts down because it cannot remove toxins from the body effectively. Chronic alcohol consumption means that the liver constantly releases harmful substances from the body and causes the liver to experience inflammation. This inflammation is what is known as Liver cirrhosis. Since the damaged liver tissues make it more difficult for the liver to perform its duty, the toxins accumulate in the body leading to more severe health issues.
  11. Fatigue – This could be due to the lack of sufficient sleep, poor health, or a sign of anemia.
  12. Pancreatitis – Chronic indulgence in alcohol leads to chronic pancreatitis that can lead to surgery if left untreated. Alcohol makes the pancreas over secrete digestive enzymes that are used to digest food. When the enzymes build-up, it can lead to inflammation, which is referred to as pancreatitis.
  13. Stomach distress – Drinking excessively causes painful ulcers, gas, and bloating. This causes distress and makes it difficult for the body to digest and absorb the nutrients from the consumed food.
  14. Frequent diarrhea – Chronic alcohol consumption destroys the intestines that cause stomach pain and leads to frequent diarrhea. This causes constant dehydration.
  15. Infertility – Women who have a history of long-term alcohol consumption tend to have fertility issues, making it harder to conceive or carry a pregnancy to its full term.
  16. Congenital disabilities – When a woman overindulges in alcohol consumption during their pregnancy, they are likely to give birth to a child with mental development conditions and fetal alcohol syndrome issues.
  17. Thinning bones – Individuals with alcohol use problems tend to develop osteoporosis, which is the thinning of bones, making their bones brittle and susceptible to breakage. This condition develops due to the poor diet and high alcohol levels in the individual’s blood with alcohol problems.
  18. Sexual dysfunction – Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in individuals with alcohol use problems. It comes from the affected neurotransmitters of the brain that cannot correctly send signals to the sexual organs.
  19. Alcohol Negative EffectsLack of coordination – The ability to walk and balance come from the brain. Since alcohol directly affects the nervous system, individuals with alcohol problems lack balance and the general ability to walk and control their limbs.
  20. Malnutrition – Avid alcohol consumption affects the body’s digestive function, making it difficult to absorb minerals and vitamins contained in food. This causes malnutrition, which leads to other health effects.
  21. Muscle cramps – The muscles in the body tend to weaken, probably due to physical inactivity and poor nutrition. This causes the muscle to weaken and eventually die. The situation may worsen if a person is experiencing muscle cramps and weakened bones.
  22. Diabetes complications – Long-term alcohol consumption affects your digestive system, making it difficult for your organs to balance the blood sugar levels and their response to glucose. Additionally, this problem is brought about by having a high percentage of blood in your blood. This may lead to diabetes-related complications. When your liver and pancreas stop performing their normal functions effectively, your body is at risk of experiencing hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.
  23. Numbness – Have you ever experienced pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation in your feet and hands? If you have and you are an individual with alcohol problems, then you might be experiencing numbness. This numbness is brought about by the damage caused to your central nervous system. Alcohol damages your nerves.