Is Alcoholism Treatment Effective?


Treatment for recovery from alcoholism usually differs based on the individual’s needs. Some of the approaches used include intervention, counseling, inpatient rehab, or outpatient programs. The main aim of alcoholism treatment is to help the patient stop using alcohol and adopt long-term sobriety. Alcoholism treatment is most effective when someone struggling with alcohol abuse or addiction is dedicated to becoming sober.

When looking for a rehabilitation program for alcohol addiction recovery, it is essential to learn as much as possible about the treatment provider or the program before deciding on an option. There are two primary types of addiction treatment programs: namely outpatient and inpatient recovery facilities.

Inpatient Rehab

Alcoholism TreatmentThis type of treatment lets you stay at the facility for the entire period of your alcoholism treatment. This form of therapy is typically suggested to individuals who have tried to quit alcohol by themselves and failed or those struggling with severe or chronic alcohol addiction. Inpatient addiction treatment is also beneficial for those who lack a strong support system in their homes or communities.

Inpatient rehab involves 24-hour supervision and medical care for patients as well as a medical detox clinic. The schedule for each day involves regular physical activities, meals, and sleeping times. Patients are also meant to attend group and individual therapy sessions every day. Lastly, the program has an inbuilt system of community support. Treatment duration may last for 30 to 90 days or longer, spending on the patient’s needs.

Outpatient Treatment

Alcoholism TreatmentThis program offers similar services to inpatient programs, except for patients not living at the treatment facility. They will come to the facility for treatment services for several hours and go home after daily sessions. When they go for treatment at the facility, they meet with addiction counselors who also guide the group sessions and help them develop sobriety strategies. Outpatient treatment is more flexible as it enables you to continue with your everyday responsibilities. It is ideal for individuals suffering from mild addiction who are motivated to turn their lives around.

Effectiveness of Alcohol Rehab

AlcoholismGenerally, alcoholism treatment is highly efficient. This treatment typically includes abstinence alternatives and strategies for reducing the risk of harm. Alcohol recovery treatment aims to enable affected individuals to conquer their alcohol problems to continue with their lives while maintaining sobriety. So if the person completes the program and maintains their sobriety, then the rehabilitation is considered successful. However, if the patient relapses after treatment, this does not mean that the treatment failed. It just means that the facility will have to adjust the patient’s treatment plan based on their requirements.

A treatment period of 90 or more days has been proven to be more effective in helping patients quit alcohol for good and have long-term sobriety as they continue with their lives.

For the alcoholism recovery treatment to work, the patient has to commit to recovery and continue the treatment accordingly. The commitment to the alcohol recovery program and the duration of treatment will enhance the likelihood of attaining lasting sobriety.

Individuals recovering from alcoholism should have the desire to stop drinking, and they should be ready to acknowledge their problem so they can make efforts to change. When you have a sound support system or social circle of family and loved ones who do not drink, they can help you stay on the path to recovery from alcohol use.

Lastly, individuals have a higher chance of completing an alcohol recovery program successfully if they follow a treatment plan suited to their needs and wants. Treatment care plans are typically developed for patients by addiction specialists depending on an assessment of the individual and their personal input. It is easier for people to engage in activities that they resonate with, so make sure that the rehab staff’s treatment connects with your goals and internal values.

Why Inpatient Treatment Is More Effective

Inpatient rehab treatment has been proven to be more effective than other treatment options for the following reasons.

Environment: Residential treatment is done in an environment that lacks the everyday distractions of daily life. The patients are isolated from the outside environment allowing them to focus on getting better.

Aftercare: This component is essential in helping patients attain long-lasting abstinence. Recovering individuals who do not get the proper aftercare when they complete a recovery program have a higher chance of relapsing within a year of the treatment. Some inpatient rehab clinics provide aftercare in their treatment plans for patients.

Support: Inpatient recovery facilities provide some form of group support that you cannot get in community-based programs. So when you get into inpatient treatment for recovery, you will be part of a support group that is continuously keeping an eye on each other every day.

Treatment: Inpatient facilities typically use a personalized approach instead of a generalized one when developing treatment plans for patients. They customize a treatment plan allowing the medical staff to help the patients achieve optimal benefits from each treatment method.

Ownership: Treatment services and methods offered in inpatient programs force patients struggling with alcohol addiction to acknowledge their circumstances and take ownership of them. The individual will not have anything or anyone else to blame for their addiction, so they have to accept that they have to take charge of gaining recovery.

In conclusion, there are various steps individuals can take to ensure that alcoholism treatment is successful for them. Starting your treatment in an intensive inpatient center and following it up with a less intensive outpatient program usually helps make recovery more successful. However, for the treatment to work, you have to be willing and ready to change.